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DMOI Bats: A Hitting Aid That Actually Works?
March 19, 2012

(click here for the .pdf)

Last month I wrote a newsletter on how hitting aids in baseball players in this 2011 study:

2011 20Baseball 20Study 20Title

and hitting aids in softball players in this 2012 study:

2012 20Softball 20Study 20Title

DO NOT improve bat speed and are a waste money.

Now a new study in baseball players:

DMOI 20Study 20Title

tested a hitting aid called a Decrease Moment of Inertia (DMOI) Bat:

DMOI 20bat

used like this:

DMOI 20swing

produced a 6% increase in BOTH bat speed and hitting distance after using the DMOI bat compared to no change to those training with normal bats:

Date 20Table

The researchers made 2 important conclusions (highlighted below):

Author 20conclusions

Hope this helps. Best of luck.

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Dr. Arnold!