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How Did Barry Zito Get Good Again?
May 27, 2010
(click here for a 2-page .pdf of this newsletter)

3 years after Barry signed his astronomical contract in 2007, giving him $18 million per year: many Giants fans have not been happy with him thus far:

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All of a sudden, Barry's good again:

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What Happened?

In an article published May 10th in the San Jose Mercury News:

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Barry's downfall started when he started throwing 'over the top' like cricket bowlers:


Throwing 'over the top' actually hurt Barry Zito because it wasn't his natural arm slot

How Did Barry 'Find It' Again? He lowered his arm slot:

Arm 20slot

So STOP Teaching Kids To Throw 'Over The Top' As You May Be Hurting Them!

Let the throwing arm go where it wants to to:

Arm 20slot 20pic 201Arm 20slot 20pic 202Arm 20slot 20pic 203

More Alarms On Youth Injuries

A very poignant article in the NY Times brings attention to youth injuries:

NYT 20article 20title

and how extreme expectations are hurting the children in the end:

Gone 20too 20far

But the problem goes beyond just too much baseball....THE FOCUS HAS BEEN LOST:

core 20 20mission

The biggest injury risk factor? YEAR-ROUND BASEBALL:

year 20round 20ball

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