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The Biggest Obstacle to a 100% Successful Offseason

November 2, 2017

(Click here for a .pdf of this newsletter)

As we head into the offseason, many kids will play a different sport, head into the weight room, attend agility programs, or maybe do all 3.

For all the effort put into doing as much phyiscal conditioning as possible to gain weight and get stronger, what IS lacking is perhaps the cornerstone to facilitating the weight & strength gains:

nutrition image

In my 12 years as a chiropractor and baseball pitching coach, diet is the SINGLE biggest obstacle to athletes getting the gains they want in the offseason. So little attention is paid to eating correctly that much of the work done in the offseason is for naught as the body does not receive the nutrition it needs to repair, recover, and grow in the offseason.

Not sure what foods to eat?

Not sure what foods to avoid?

What is the most important thing to focus on in the offseason regarding my diet?

What about nutrition supplements?

We ou can make an appt for a nutrition in my office where we answer all of these quesitons and get an individual plan for your young athlete.

Click here to make an appointment online to meet in my office where we sit down for 30 minutes and start to examine your son's nutrition and give him the information he needs to optimize his diet. Just choose 'Existing Patient Visit'. Each session costs $20.

How Important is Nutrition?

An article just printed in the NY Times compared to use of heat or ice after exercise to see which improved recovery the most at the next workout:

NYT article title

While they found that applying heat to your muscles after exercise improved muscle performance at the next workout, this occurred ONLY when the exerciser's diet was proper:


If you're not following a proper diet, nothing else will matter in terms of recovery and minimizing injury risk.

Just remember:

Jack LaLane

Questions About This Newsletter?

Contact Dr. Arnold (631-352-7654 /