A Lesson from Curtis Granderson on Hydration
March 30, 2017
(Click here for a .pdf of this newsletter)
Following up on:
A lesson from Thor on the changeup (click here)
A lesson Tim Tebow on failure (click here)
We now learn from Curtis Granderson about hydration.
A March 26th article in the NY Times:
reveals a primary reason how Granderson, was able to play 154 games last season at the age of 35...water.
It started back in 2010 when suffered a groin injury and discovered how dehydrated he was:
He has since crafted his water intake...
and even focuses on his water intake in the offseason:
Now, water intake is not the ONLY reason Curtis has stayed healthy but I bring this article to everyone's attention because of what Curtis DOES NOT consume...sports drinks!
No Gatorade
No Body Armor
No Powerade
No ROAR (a new drink endorsed by OBJ..UGH)
I consistently see young ballplayers consuming sports drinks when they're not necessary but is instead just filling them with more sugar.
They do NOT need sports drinks (click here):
They need WATER!
How can you stay hydrated?
I follow the recommendations of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (click here):
Questions About This Newsletter?
Contact (PitchingDoc@msn.com / 631-352-7654) Dr. Arnold!